Direct export of timber multi-layered wall and floor frames from Revit® to Randek® CAD/CAM Production Lines

Why Randek?
Randek has been making high-performance woodworking machinery for the prefabricated housing industry for decades. With an automation level spanning from manual to fully automatic, its products include wall, floor, and roof production lines; cut saws; roof truss systems; and butterfly tables.

AGACAD’s Randek CDT4 Exporter generates CDT extension files for automated Randek CAD/CAM production lines. Wall and floor frames can be easily exported using this application.
Compatible with Autodesk® Revit® 2022, 2021, 2020
The Randek CDT4 Exporter must be used with AGACAD Wood Framing Software, which creates framing elements with all needed geometry and information data inside the Revit project. Exported files can be viewed and checked with Randek viewer.

Here’s an example of a wall frame created using our Wood Framing Wall and then exported to a Randek production line:

Result in Randek viewer:
The CDT file contains all needed operations and information allowing the operator to run the machine or production line without manual intervention.
AGACAD’s Randek CDT4 application allows for several different export options: Main frame only, Main frame and external layers, Main frame and internal layers, Main frame and external layers without siding, or All layers. Walls and floors can easily be exported using this application.

Result in Randek CDT viewer:

The selected wall or floor frames can be exported from a Revit model to a Randek CDT4 file with just one click: →
- In the CTD viewer you can see all operations in detail, including sawing, drilling, trimming, and marking of every framing member.
For example, wall frames are exported with all information in detail:

- Installation includes settings that let you define CNC file locations, project information parameters, element identification and marking, etc.:
- Advanced settings include nailing or stapling interior/exterior sheathing, sheathing trimming, position marking, siding trimming, and siding nailing.
These advanced settings are advantageous because a structural engineer can define fabrication operations instead of a production line operator. The settings are open to the user, so all fabrication or machine changes can easily be adjusted.
- Under the Interior/Exterior Sheathing Nailing/Stapling, you can predefine nailing parameters, like nailing offsets, etc.:
- Under the Sheathing Trimming, you can predefine which sheathing trimming operations will be performed. The same goes for control codes and tilt angles, which actuate the sawing or trimming unit.

Whereas tilt angles (saw angles) may have previously been determined by a machine operator on the shop floor, now a structural engineer can predefine them in the Revit model: →
- Under the Siding Trimming, you can predefine siding members to be trimmed and the corresponding control codes and tilt angles:
- The Siding Nailing settings allow you to predefine nailing sides, offsets, and layout rules.
- By using AGACAD CNC Randek CDT4 Exporter, you can automate element identification and marking for plates, rim joists, girders, studs, joists, and columns.
- All settings can be saved and used in future projects.