Metal framing BIM software for automated light steel wall frame design in Revit® including optional CNC output

Metal Framing Wall makes metal framing of walls fast and easy with real-time full project updates in Revit®. Plus it generates views with automatic dimensions for wall panels or segments as well as accurate bills of materials and shop drawings. So quality production and accurate assembly on site are ensured.
Compatible with Autodesk® Revit® 2022, 2021, 2020
Connectors, cuts, supports, and other details can be distributed based on predefined rules or connection types. They can then be modified or updated to suit the project design stage and the level of detail required. Wall frames and the layout of frame elements and details can be modified and updated whenever the project is changed. Dynamic update functionality can make changes to all wall frames of the same type at once.
Wall frame elements in the project can be easily marked based on their properties and locations in the wall layer. And information for fabrication can be automatically generated with all desired views, schedules, and drawings for each wall panel.