Room, Area and Space Manager + HVAC Tools

RAS Manager automates insertion and management of Rooms, Areas, and Spaces in predefined project locations in Autodesk® Revit.

  • Instantly inserts areas into a project by DIN BGF, DIN NGF, SIS BRA, SIS BTA, SIS NTA standards and other configurable rules.
  • Places predefined Rooms or Spaces with engineering data from a file that can be modified and adapted according to country.
  • Places Rooms or Spaces with proper elevations.
  • Automatically adds Spaces by Rooms with the same engineering data.
  • Calculates “Specified Supply Airflow”:
    • by area
    • by changes per hour
    • by Person in a Space
  • Calculates “Specified Exhaust Airflow”:
    • by area
    • by changes per hour
    • by Person
    • per Space
    • by Fixture Unit in a Space
  • Copies all parameters of selected Room or Space to other selected Room(s) or Space(s).
  • Splits Spaces according to selected levels.
  • Assign Spaces to existing or new zones.


Instantly inserts areas into a project by DIN BGF, DIN NGF, SIS BRA, SIS BTA, SIS NTA standards and other configurable rules.

Calculates “Specified Supply & Exhaust Airflow”.

Automatically adds spaces by rooms with the same engineering data.

Splits spaces according to selected levels.

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