The Ultimate Prefabricated Roof Paneling Software for Revit®
Roof Panel Layout is a powerful solution for prefabricated roof panels in Revit®. It enables easy roof panel planning and splitting into segments for prefabrication which can then be used in the roof framing process.
Compatible with Autodesk® Revit® 2022, 2021, 2020
Roof Panel Layout automatically generates panel layout planning for any architectural roof. It uses predefined rules to draw symbolic lines indicating the future panels, and then creates real Revit® roof panels. These roof panels can later be framed using WF Roof Panel Frame or MF Roof Panel Frame. Prefabricated roof framing can include rafters, battens, valley joists, roof boards, etc.
Possible workflow:

You can also get the same features for Revit® floors with our new Floor Panel Layout solution.
Ideal for:
Structural Engineers Easy roof panelling based on architectural roof geometry.
Prefabricated Roof Designers and Manufacturers Roof Panel Layout creates prefabricated roof panels based on user-specified rules.
Powerful features:
Automatically divides an architectural roof into coarse partitions – regions –, identifying and using roof ridge ends and valley rafter bottom ends as well as windows and generic or system openings.
Divides a selected roof side or the whole roof into panels based on a predefined spacing and layout method.
Creates individual roof segments according to the panel layout.