Direct export of wooden wall, floor, and roof frames, and trusses from Revit® to Hundegger® CNC machines

Why Hundegger?
For quite a few years already, Hundegger has been a market leader in the field of CNC joinery machines with a market share of more than 90%. Its universal, flexible machines are in use around the globe in all sectors of timber construction from carpentry joinery, contract joining, log houses, prefabricated houses, and glulam joining to producing playground equipment.

AGACAD’s Hundegger BVX Exporter allows firms that construct timber frame houses to predefine operations and rules for automated CNC machine, including sawing, drilling, trimming, marking, and texting operations for each framing member – directly in Revit. Walls, floors, roof framing members, trusses, and separate framing elements can be exported using this application.
Compatible with Autodesk® Revit® 2022, 2021, 2020
The Hundegger BVX Exporter must be used with AGACAD Wood Framing Software. Our framing tools create the framing elements with all needed geometry and information data inside a Revit project. Exported files can be viewed and checked with Hundegger viewer.
Here’s an example of a wall frame created using our Wood Framing Wall for export to a Hundegger BVX machine:

Result in the free Hundegger BVX viewer:

The BVX file contains all needed operations and information for cutting.
AGACAD’s Hundegger BVX application generates BVX extension files readable by automated Hundegger CNC machines. Wall, floor, roof main frames, trusses, and individual framing elements can all be exported using this application.

Selected wall, floor, roof frames, and trusses can be exported from a Revit model to a Hundegger BVX file with just one click. Elements can also be exported from schedules: →
In the BVX viewer you can see all operations in detail, including sawing, drilling, trimming, and marking of every member of the frame. For example, rafters are exported with all detailed information:

Installation includes settings for defining CNC file locations, project information parameters, element identification and marking, etc.:

Using AGACAD’s CNC Hundegger (BVX) Exporter, you can automate element identification, marking, and texting for plates/rim joists/girders, studs/joists/columns, and wooden details. There are different element and detail filtering possibilities.
All settings can be saved and used for other projects.