AGACAD T4R Cut Opening Free

Free MEP Clash-Point Hole-Cutting Tool

Cut Opening Free is a Revit® extension for creating and cutting penetration holes in buildings where ducts, pipes, cable trays, or conduit intersect walls, floors, ceilings, or roofs.

  • Adds opening offset if needed.
  • User can change the type and shape of opening.
  • The cut offset and shape of opening can be locked.
  • Ability to change/delete existing openings if needed.

The table below compares the functionality of Cut Opening Free with Cut Opening (the commercial version).

Total possibilities100%20%You get 80% more with the commercial license! 
Works with linked filesCreate openings for linked MEP in architectural / structural file or
vice versa.


Teamwork/collaboration between MEP, architectural & structural engineersShare opening geometry and data with architects/structural engineers
using .xml file.


Openings for IFC MEP elementsCreate openings for current or linked MEP elements from IFC files.
Supported categories
Cable Trays
Make openings for structural elements, such as Walls,
Floors, Roofs, Ceilings, Slabs, Beams, Columns, and MEP elements, like Pipes,
Ducts, Cable Trays, and Conduits.


Predefined configurations for:
Cut Offset
Joining Distance
Opening Shape
Interference Check
Set configurations for opening size and cut offset from MEP object, define
distance between two openings to be merged into one, define opening shape,
and allow partial interference.


Configuration classification by:
Round Duct
Rectangular Duct
Oval Duct
Pipe: Fire protection
Pipe: Plumbing
Pipe: Sanitary
Pipe: Hydraulic
Pipe: Other
Cable Tray
MEP Object Size

Configure opening size, cut offset, joining distance, etc. by MEP
element’s category and system classification.


Configuration sharingShare predefined configurations with colleagues.


Calculate opening elevation from:
Project zero point
Global zero point

Calculate opening elevation in accordance with host level, project zero
point, or global zero point.


Opening elevation positions

Calculate opening distance to the bottom, top, or center point of
opening family.


Openings update if:
MEP changed position
MEP deleted
New opening inserted
Shape changed
MEP size changed
Update openings if MEP elements are deleted, moved, resized, or any other
action has been carried out on them.


Manual changes
Change offset
Delete opening
Move opening
Possible to modify openings manually.
Minimum opening sizeSet minimum MEP service size limit to insert openings.
Join selected openingsJoin selected openings into one bigger opening.
Partial interference openingsPossibility to add openings when MEP is partially clashing with


Wall partial interferenceFloor partial interference
Structural openings for doors & windowsAuto-insert openings for windows and doors in
linked Structural model.


Fire dampersAdd fire dampers where needed.
Fire collarsAdd fire collars where needed.
Round void
Rectangular void
Round solid
Rectangular solid
Distribute void families that cut structures in Revit models. Change voids to solid elements to
export openings to Navisworks or IFC.


Extra parameters for documentation
Opening shape
Opening elevation
Opening mark (passing through system mark)
System classification
System type
System name
Additional top cut offset
Additional bottom cut offset

Use host and MEP service parameters for tagging,
scheduling, etc.


Tracking openings
Inserted by
Insertion date
Insertion configuration
Declined by
Approved by
Approval comment
Decline reason
See when, how, and who inserted openings. Approve
or decline openings with comments.


Here’s a taste of what you can do with Cut Opening (commercial version).
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