The Ultimate Prefabricated Roof Panelling Software for Revit®
Divide and split a roof into prefabrication panels
Roof Panel Layout offers a powerful set of functions for roof panel layout and splitting:
- Panel Layout Planning functions let you better understand how a roof will be divided. Users can control every division line and can predefine rules to automate the division process.

- Initially an architectural roof
can be divided into coarse partitions – regions.
Regions can be created automatically on the basis of roof ridge
ends and valley rafter bottom ends as well as windows and generic or system
openings with predefined distances:

Regions are shown with red symbolic lines.

- Regions can be divided into panels using predefined spacing.
- Panels can be aligned and modified for an individual roof side or region and additionally split.
- A variety of automated splitting functions help to easily get the needed result. Panels can be split in half, by maximum spacing, from the middle to both ends, in the middle and to both ends, from the initially selected end or from both ends.
- Selected regions or panels can be joined if needed.

Panels are shown with blue symbolic lines:

- Creates individual panels for the selected roof side or for the whole roof:

- The full roof panels can later be taken to a new phase via their properties for better filtering and scheduling.